Registration for Nourish2Flourish is CLOSED


Seasonal activities and holidays are such an amazing time for most of us. However, for some parents, these are some of the toughest times. Items such as good school supplies, big Thanksgiving meals, and Christmas gifts are considered luxuries and unfortunately, when you have to choose between bills or a luxury, the bills will always win. When most kids and parents are grateful for a week off of school, some parents are anxious about how they will feed their children when they depend on the school free lunches. These are the very reasons why these programs are so special for us.

There’s nothing better than gathering around the table with your family and enjoying the holidays. Unfortunately, many of our families, are not able to spend all of their grocery budgets on one big meal. During our basket giveaways, we will provide all of the traditional Thanksgiving items as well as the two weeks’ worth of groceries our clients would normally receive. 

Registration for Thanksgiving Baskets is currently closed. Please check back for the link to register.

Christmas is our FAVORITE time of year here at Sharing Life. Our Annual Christmas Faire is our largest client event each year. Every year, we partner with WFAA Santa’s Helpers, Marine Corp Toys for Tots, Santa Cops, and other generous donors to provide stuffed animals, blankets, hoodies, toys, stockings, stocking stuffers, and wrapping paper for 1,000 children! Click here to learn more about our Christmas Faire.

Registration for Christmas Faire will open the first week in October

We are honored to partner with Travis Frederick’s Blocking Hunger Foundation, The Dallas Morning News Charities, and the City of Mesquite Spread the Love campaign to provide a feeding program for clients of Sharing Life. Our Nourish2Flourish feeding program provides weekly bags to school-age children with 5 days worth of breakfast, lunch, and snack items. This program is active any time our students are out of school for a week or more, including summer break. 

Registration for our summer Nourish2Flourish program is now CLOSED. 

We will announce on our website and Facebook if spots become available later in the summer.

The beginning of the school year should never be a source of stress for our parents or students, in partnership with Mesquite ISD, we host a Back-to-School Fair for our clients. This day-long event provides backpacks, school supplies, and other basic services that ensure our students are school-ready

Details on the 2024 Back-To-School Fair TBA